Debra Tanguy Herlocker loves to meet people who love books.
She was one of the featured authors at the “Author Author” book fairs at Millersville University in October 2011 and October 2012, where she had a chance to meet readers and fellow authors (and the Philly Phanatic, pictured at right).

Deb was proud to be a speaker at Family Reading Night at H. C. Burgard Elementary School in March 2012. She treated the kids and parents to a look at the creative process involved in making a story — basically asking a series of questions and then figuring out the answers. She illustrated what she went through with Caitlyn’s Adventure using a slideshow that involved the audience by making them ask the same questions she had originally asked herself. 
If you are interested in Deb attending a book fair, speaking to children at your school, or otherwise helping with an event that you have planned, please contact her by email at dherlocker@caitlynsadventure.com. She does not charge for appearances — just being able to meet people who are interested in books and enjoy reading is a delight for her.