Where to buy Caitlyn’s Adventure and Who Kidnapped Sheb Woolly?
Caitlyn’s Adventure as a paperback book for $9.99 from Amazon.com or CreateSpace.com;
(Amazon offers free shipping for certain orders, but CreateSpace will give you $1.00 off if you provide discount code EKLJMJM3 at checkout.)
ISBN 978-1456351496
Who Kidnapped Sheb Woolly? as a paperback book for $9.95 from Amazon.com or CreateSpace.com;
(Amazon offers free shipping for certain orders, but CreateSpace will give you $1.00 off if you provide discount code EKLJMJM3 at checkout.)
ISBN 978-1463555153
Caitlyn’s Adventure as an electronic book for $0.99 from Apple’s iBooks store;
Caitlyn’s Adventure as an electronic book for your Kindle (or Windows PC or Mac or iPhone or Android or iPad) for $3.95 from Amazon.com.