Herlocker (et al) Family Tree



Total persons 1730
Male persons 859
Female persons 871
Persons with unknown gender 0
Person Events 2283


Total Families 647
Married Families 304
Divorced Families 20
Family Events 349

Time & Dates

Earliest Date ABT 1230
Latest Date 12/27/2017

Statistic Charts

Person’s age

Person’s age

Children per family

Children per family

Year of birth

Year of birth

Year of death

Year of death

Month of birth

Month of birth

Month of death

Month of death

Month of marriage

Month of marriage

Age at marriage

Age at marriage

Age at divorce

Age at divorce

Parents’ age at children’s birth

Parents’ age at children’s birth

Children’s age at parents’ death

Children’s age at parents’ death

Person’s age at partner’s death

Person’s age at partner’s death

Years between marriage and child’s birth

Years between marriage and child’s birth

Name Distribution

Name Distribution

Place of birth

Place of birth

Country of birth

Country of birth

Event & Fact types

Event & Fact types

Eye Color

Eye Color